
Press releases Crime

Tips and advice
Love scamming is a form of internet fraud in which fraudsters create emotional bonds with their victims in order to exploit them financially.
In today's digital world, where scammers are constantly looking for new ways to rip people off, frightening scams are popping up all the time.
A growing problem in online shopping is the existence of fake stores that deceive and defraud unsuspecting consumers. These fraudulent websites are often cleverly designed and can appear very realistic to shoppers.
In today's digitalized world, social media such as Facebook, Instagram and other platforms have become an integral part of many people's everyday lives. They serve as a means of communication, a source of information and an entertainment platform. Unfortunately, it is not only normal users who have ...
Tips and advice
Phishing ist eine Art von Cyberangriff, bei dem Betrüger versuchen, persönliche Informationen wie Benutzernamen, Passwörter, Kreditkartennummern oder andere sensible Daten von ahnungslosen Nutzern zu stehlen.
Trickbetrüger nutzen die Einträge in Telefonbüchern, um gezielt Opfer für Telefonbetrugsstraftaten auszuwählen. Indem Sie Ihren Eintrag im Telefonbuch ändern, können Sie sich vor lästigen und gefährlichen Telefonanrufen schützen.
In den heutigen Zeiten, in denen soziale Medien einen großen Teil unseres Lebens ausmachen, sind wir zunehmend mit den negativen Auswirkungen von Mobbing online konfrontiert.
Wenn Sie jemanden helfen möchten, der Opfer einer Straftat wird, ist es wichtig, sich nicht selbst in Gefahr zu bringen.
Tips and advice
In Zeiten von sozialen Medien ist es mittlerweile üblich geworden, unser Leben mit anderen zu teilen, sei es der letzte Urlaub, ein besonderer Moment oder der Alltag.
Wenn das so wäre, hätten WhatsApp-Betrüger wohl keine Chance mehr sich unrechtmäßig zu bereichern. Leider erkennt man Betrüger und ihre fiesen Maschen nicht an der Nase im Gesicht. Es gibt aber andere Indizien, die Betrüger entlarven.
Ein bunter Schriftzug auf einer bröckelnden Betonwand, ein kunstvoll gestaltetes Wandbild inmitten einer tristen Stadtlandschaft - Graffiti kann faszinierend sein. Doch es gibt eine dunkle Seite dieser urbanen Kunstform: illegales Graffiti. Vollgeschmierte Hauswände, Straßenschilder, Zugwaggons und ...
Smishing ist eine Form von Cyberkriminalität, bei der Betrüger SMS-Nachrichten verwenden, um ihre Opfer zu täuschen und persönliche Informationen zu stehlen oder betrügerische Aktivitäten durchzuführen. Der Begriff "Smishing" leitet sich von der Kombination der Wörter "SMS" und "Phishing" ab.
Tips and advice
Die Adventszeit hat begonnen und Weihnachten steht vor der Tür. Für viele Kinder ist die Vorfreude auf ihr erstes eigenes Handy riesig. Doch manchmal kann die Begeisterung schnell vergehen, wenn sie in Schulchats auf Bilder und Videos stoßen, die sie überfordern.
Crime prevention and victim protection
in Duisburg
In den letzten Jahren hat sich das Online-Shopping und der elektronische Zahlungsverkehr stark weiterentwickelt, und dabei haben Dienste wie PayPal eine führende Rolle gespielt.
In den letzten Jahren hat eine alarmierende Betrugsmasche die Telefonleitungen erobert: Betrüger geben sich am Telefon als Polizisten aus und versuchen, gutgläubige Bürger und Bürgerinnen dazu zu überreden, ihnen Schmuck und Geld auszuhändigen.
On the following pages you can find out all about the work of the police department, the relevant subject areas and how to contact the specialist advisors.
Der polizeiliche Opferschutz ist Ansprechpartner für Kriminalitätsopfer und / oder deren Angehörige nach bereits angezeigten herausragenden Straftaten, Arbeits- und Unglücksfällen und für Angehörige nach einer Suizidbegehung.
Crime in connection with
with the current situation in Ukraine
Those affected are experiencing unbelievable suffering these days. They are forced to flee and seek protection in Germany. People around the world share their fate. They are trying to help wherever they can. Unfortunately, this is exactly where criminals come in: They want to exploit such emergency ...
Organized crime
and clan crime
Organized crime (OC) is a particularly harmful form of crime. The violence frequently used by the perpetrators and the dependency relationships and links with public life and the legal economic cycle result in a particular threat to society.
"The state government has set itself the goal of combating the spread of organized gang crime. We are countering criminal members of family clans with a zero-tolerance strategy and maximum control and prosecution pressure. We will make it clear that we will not tolerate any lawless areas or parallel...
No means no! No one has the right to touch or harass you. If you are in distress: 110!
and young people
Child pornography is a phenomenon that the NRW police have declared to be a priority in the fight against crime in North Rhine-Westphalia.
Juvenile delinquency - episodic behavior or the beginning of a criminal career?
Senior citizens can get information and tips on how to protect themselves against crime here.
Making big money fast - who doesn't dream of that? But if it sounds too good to be true, then it probably is.
To prevent fraud on messenger services, WhatsApp and the state and federal police crime prevention organizations have launched a joint awareness campaign. In a new video, we show the fourth tip for protecting your own WhatsApp account.
Many people are familiar with the grandchild scam. One variant of this scam is fraud via messenger services such as WhatsApp.
A healthy level of mistrust is particularly appropriate in online business. Please observe these basic rules of conduct.
Politically motivated
The State Security Police deals with the prevention (including averting danger) and prosecution of politically motivated crime (PMK).
Cold Cases
and forensics
The LKA NRW is currently setting up the "Cold Cases" database. Almost 1000 unsolved murder cases from NRW are to be analyzed again in the "Cold Cases Database" and systematically processed.
Science in the fight against crime. In this section you will find information on science and technology, science in the fight against crime, forensic DNA analysis, video processing and evaluation, speech recognition / sound carrier evaluation, document examinations, handwriting examinations, chemica...
Attacks from the internet - cybercrime has many faces and more and more are being added. This is because the perpetrators are creative when it comes to new attack techniques. What's more, new technologies are always opening up new targets. The increasing use of smartphones and tablets, for example, ...
Residential burglary
and pickpocketing
A break-in can change your life. Therefore "Secure your home - so that it stays your home" and watch out for suspicious persons/situations. In the event of suspicion, call the police immediately on 110. Get neutral and free advice on burglary protection from your police!
Pickpockets find their victims wherever there are lots of people and crowds. The police give valuable tips on how you can protect yourself against the tricks of pickpockets. Open your eyes and close your bag!
Victim protection
Anyone who has been the victim of a crime, accident or other misfortune often feels helpless and alone. However, there are numerous legal options to help people who have become victims.
Crime prevention
and research
The KKF conducts empirical research projects on the analytical examination of the crime situation and development, the causes and manifestations of crime, the security situation, the citizens' sense of security and police work in North Rhine-Westphalia.
ZEVA advises and supports clients such as police authorities or the Ministry of the Interior of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia in the design, implementation, evaluation and follow-up of police programs, projects or individual measures. It conducts its own evaluations, initiates self-evaluations...
Safe on the road
in public spaces
People who are in the public eye due to political or other social activities can be the target of hostility or criminal acts. If you belong to this group of people, please follow these instructions for your protection.
Avoiding danger at festivals is never a sign of cowardice, but rather a sign of common sense. Find out about existing safety instructions and facilities before visiting a festival, at the latest on site from the festival operator or the security staff.
Especially at sporting events such as the upcoming European Championship 2024, it is important to keep a cool head and avoid possible violent crimes and dangerous situations. Our prevention tips will help you do this.
Pilot project with model character: Crime hotspots are immediately recognizable by bright red hexagons on the monitors in the situation center or in the police stations.
The police crime statistics (PKS) for North Rhine-Westphalia are kept by the State Criminal Police Office of North Rhine-Westphalia (LKA NRW).
The annual situation reports compiled by the LKA NRW provide additional information on the development of crime in North Rhine-Westphalia.
Future Congress
of the CID
The PRO K initiative of the Ministry of the Interior of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia presented its report on the results of the Working World K scenario analysis and gave an outlook on upcoming measures.
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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110