Crime prevention/ victim protection

Crime prevention
Crime prevention/ victim protection
On the following pages you can find out all about the work of the police department, the relevant subject areas and how to contact the specialist advisors.

You can contact the specialist advisors directly by telephone or email (kkkpo.duisburg [at] (kkkpo[dot]duisburg[at]polizei[dot]nrw[dot]de)) or via the office, which is manned by Mr. Michael Günther (0203 280 4254).

We offer individual one-to-one or group advice, presentations and, if necessary, on-site appointments for property security and surveillance. The office is located in the Alte Duisburger Str. 15 police station in 47119 Duisburg Ruhrort.

The work of the police station focuses on the following areas:

Prevention of violence
Computer and Internet prevention
  • My name is Torsten Meldau. I am a computer and internet prevention officer. Society is changing rapidly and becoming more digital. By providing preventive advice, I want to help people to recognize dangers on the Internet when using smartphones and computers and prevent them from becoming victims of...
Security for senior citizens
Technical prevention
Police victim protection
Drug prevention
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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110