The Security and Operations Directorate is responsible for the security and patrol service. In addition to the two police stations PI 1 - North and PI 2 - South with their nine stations, this includes the command and situation service as well as the riot police/special police services.
special poli...
The Water Police Directorate (WSP) of Duisburg Police Headquarters is not only responsible for one city or district, but also for all navigable waterways in North Rhine-Westphalia and, in some places, Lower Saxony.
The highway police is not an independent police authority. The five police authorities of Cologne, Düsseldorf, Dortmund, Münster and Bielefeld are responsible for police measures on the freeway network in North Rhine-Westphalia.
The riot police are requested for special operations if the force requirements exceed the capabilities of the district police authority conducting the operation or if the special equipment and experience of the riot police is required.
Their everyday work includes hostage-taking, kidnappings, extortion and threatening situations. The protection of hostages, threatened persons and abductees always has top priority.
The National Concept Sport and Security (NKSS) and the National Committee Sport and Security (NASS) form the basis for the joint security work of the police, local authorities, clubs and associations, fan projects, transport companies and other network partners.