Fake bank employees: perfidious scam and protective measures

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Fake bank employees: perfidious scam and protective measures
In today's digitized world, fraudsters have developed a variety of ways to trick and financially harm their victims. One particularly devious method revolves around fake bank employees.

The approach of the fake bank employees:

The perpetrators often act with impressive professionalism and cleverly use technological means to impersonate genuine bank employees. For example, they might use fake emails, text messages or phone calls to give the impression that they are from the bank. These messages often contain alarming claims, such as unauthorized transactions or suspicious activity on the victim's account. In such situations, people easily panic and are more inclined to follow the instructions of the supposed bank employees.

The fraudsters then ask for personal information such as passwords, PINs, TANs or other confidential data. They may also pretend that urgent action needs to be taken, such as moving funds to "secure" accounts. They often pretend to be the victim of a hacker attack and claim that the customer's cooperation is necessary to restore security.

Protective measures against fraud by fake bank employees:

Verification of identity

Never assume that a message or call is actually from your bank. Instead, contact your bank directly via the official website listed on the back of your card or via the official customer service number.

Do not disclose confidential information

Your bank will never ask you for confidential data such as passwords, PINs or TANs. Never share this information via email, text message or telephone.

Distrust in the event of pressure

Scammers often use pressure to scare their victims and take them by surprise. Stay calm and don't allow yourself to be pressured into making hasty decisions.

Use security software

Update your antivirus software regularly to protect yourself from possible malware that scammers could use.


Learn about the latest scams and share this knowledge with family and friends. The better informed you are, the less susceptible you are to scams.

All in all, it is crucial to be vigilant and question critically before responding to requests from supposed bank employees. The scam may be sophisticated, but with appropriate caution and a clear head, you can effectively protect yourself from falling victim to such fraudulent activity.

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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110