Sicherheit für Senioren - Gewalt in der Pflege
Violence in home care
In care situations, various forms of violence can occur against the person being cared for. The victims are usually defenceless.
Ralf Schäfer

Violence counts


Use of physical force

e.g. hard touching, pulling on hair or extremities or even hitting

.e.g. hard touching, pulling the hair or extremities or even hitting


Mental abuse

e.g. intimidation, verbal abuse or threats of institutionalization

Neglect of the person in need of care

e.g. withholding meals or drinks, lack of support with personal hygiene

.e.g. withholding meals or drinks, lack of support with personal hygiene


Restriction of free will

e.g. threats, administration of sedatives or confinement to bed

The reason for the use of violence against the care recipient is often due to the overburdening of the caregiver. This often happens to family members who are overwhelmed by the situation. For this reason, it is important to assess the situation correctly at an early stage.

If you want to care for yourself: Recognize your limits!

Consider in good time before the care situation arises what burden you will face, but also what support is available.

Don't be afraid to seek professional help! Use

for this.

You can find the nearest advice center in the

If you recognize signs of violence in yourself or other caregivers, contact this support system!

  • 10 tips to protect people in need of care from violence
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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110