Only unannounced speed checkpoints by the police

Laser measurement
Only unannounced speed checkpoints by the police
Preventing traffic accidents in the district of Unna - both preventively and repressively - is one of the tasks of the Unna district police authority.


Driving too fast on the roads is still one of the most common causes of accidents in the district of Unna. Road accidents with fatalities and injuries must be further reduced - ideally prevented altogether.

In the past, the Unna district police authority announced towns and municipalities where speed checkpoints were to be expected - but without giving exact road details. And now the Ministry of the Interior, together with the police forces in NRW, is expanding the whole thing and not naming any towns, municipalities or roads.

Neither on the homepage nor on social media. The police want you to drive appropriately everywhere and at all times. All road users should do some soul-searching and reflect on and question their participation in road traffic.

"Do I really drive at walking pace in a traffic-calmed area?", "How much time can I 'make up' if I overtake the car in front of me when overtaking is prohibited?" or "Do I cross a crosswalk even though I can see that there is someone standing there who wants to cross" - these are all questions that can be thought-provoking.

It is irrelevant to know on which days and at which times the district police "flash" or "laser" at which locations. Road users must always and everywhere expect unannounced speed checks including stops. They are an important aspect of the new specialist traffic strategy. This is the only way to achieve the goal of reducing the number of road deaths and serious injuries.

The police in NRW realigned their strategy for greater safety on roads, cycle paths and freeways at the beginning of this year. It is now being successively implemented by the 47 district police authorities. This strategy has recently been given the state-wide title #LEBEN. In connection with this, the Unna district police authority is working with other police forces across Europe on a "Vision Zero".

Instead of publishing speed camera locations with street names, the Unna district police authority has been focusing for some time on anchoring more preventative measures in postings on social media. Together with traffic accident prevention, the "Red Knight" project for early childhood road safety education, including a police puppet stage, is worth mentioning, while the preventive projects "Young Drivers" and "Crash Course" are available for young novice drivers. For senior citizens, the Unna police station regularly offers pedelec/rollator training.

All of this to proactively counteract the causes of accidents. Because traffic accidents don't just happen, they are caused! Every life lost on the roads is one too MANY!






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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110