Mobile speed monitoring around the clock

Semi-stationary speed measuring system
Mobile speed monitoring around the clock
Traffic monitoring even without the deployment of police officers. The NRW police use so-called "enforcement trailers" for traffic monitoring.
Ministry of the Interior of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia

The police in North Rhine-Westphalia use "enforcement trailers", also known as "semi-stationary speed measurement systems", to monitor traffic. The police authorities in Bielefeld, Dortmund, Düsseldorf, Cologne and Münster each use an enforcement trailer to monitor speed.


Enforcement trailers

The systems can basically be used anywhere in the traffic area. It is a flexible system, even for use in places where mobile speed measurements are difficult or impossible due to the danger to the people being measured. It works for several days regardless of the weather and without the need for personnel, as it is powered by its own battery. Police officers are therefore only required to set up the measuring point and change the battery. The devices have an alarm system and are specially protected against break-ins and vandalism.


Speeding as a cause of accidents

Excessive and inappropriate speed is still the main cause of serious and fatal traffic accidents in NRW. Semi-stationary speed measurement systems reliably measure the speed of passing vehicles with little manpower. They measure at times when road users do not expect to be monitored, even in roadworks areas or on freeway bridges.

The trailers reduce the actual speed at dangerous locations and are therefore another important element in preventing serious road accidents.

The aim is to reduce the overall speed level, as this is the most effective way of protecting the most vulnerable road users in particular, such as pedestrians and cyclists, from serious accident consequences. In order to achieve this goal, it is imperative that speeding violations are punished consistently.

Enforcement trailers help to make the roads in NRW safer.

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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110