City center: "Coffee with a cop" - Reul answers questions from Duisburg residents

Minister of the Interior Herbert Reul
City center: "Coffee with a cop" - Reul answers questions from Duisburg residents
Around 350 coffees and countless good conversations - that's the result of the "Coffee with a cop" event on Friday (June 7) in the city center.
Police Duisburg
Duisburg police

Between 11 a.m. and 5 p.m., citizens were able to talk to Duisburg police officers on König-Heinrich-Platz. Interior Minister Herbert Reul was a special guest. With a cappuccino in his hand, he mingled with the people for an hour and listened to the various concerns of Duisburg residents.

In addition to the district service, recruiters and traffic accident and crime prevention experts, Duisburg's police chief Alexander Dierselhuis also stopped by for a hot drink and answered questions from the public. Popular topics: How do I become a police officer? How do I protect myself from fraudsters? Small personal stories, the subjective feeling of safety - and many thanks to the emergency services.

A poignant moment was the nationwide minute's silence for the police officer from Mannheim who was killed in action. At 11:34 a.m., citizens paused together with the police family - in memory of him.

What is Coffee with a Cop at the NRW police force?

"Coffee with a Cop" is an initiative of the NRW police force that aims to promote direct dialog between citizens and the police. Originally from the USA, this concept was launched by officers in California in 2011 to break down barriers and strengthen trust in the police. In North Rhine-Westphalia, the initiative was first introduced in 2017 and has since successfully helped to improve the relationship between the police and the community. The events take place regularly and offer an informal atmosphere in which people can address their questions and concerns directly to police officers.


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